Commercialisation and propagation of R&D results

The drafting of competitive project plan consists not only of high-quality scientific objectives, but also of well-made work plan, convincing management leadership and last, but not least, a quality dissemination strategy.
The above mentioned is the reason, why we offer to our clients support in preparation and realisation of dissemination strategy, commercialisation process, and marketing activities regarding their technological innovations. A conceptual cooperation of our consultants with research team in time of drafting of project proposal allows clearly structure dissemination plan and follow-up usage of project results; the conceptual cooperation allows to clearly define role of each consortia partner in the process of transfer of technology, a key-factor for success of the proposal in international competition.
Active support in commercialisation and marketing of R&D results consists of:
- Participation in preparation of professional intention and analysis of market opportunities for presumed project results in Czech Republic and abroad.
- Analysis of target groups relevant for successful realisation of transfer of technology, including communication with key regulators and policy-makers based on our expert-network.
- Moderating discussions with project partners on issues related to the strategy commercialisation results, support of obtaining commercial sources for marketing of new technology and products.
- Consultation in the area of good practice in the field of intellectual property resulting from successful project results (partnership agreement, licence agreement, support in obtaining patents, etc.).